[JDEV] How do I connect to aim.jabber.org thru my server?

guy segal at telemessage.com
Thu Dec 7 05:44:39 CST 2000

I have a Jabber 1.2 server behind a firewall.
I've added "aim.jabber.org" to my agents list and added the following
<service id="aim.jabber.org">
to the jabber.xml.

When I connect to the server with WinJab and try to connect to the AIM
transport (i.e. aim.jabber.org)
I receive a 502 error.
What am I doing wrong?

Guy Segal
TeleMessage Ltd.

Email:   segal at telemessage.com
Phone:  972-3-9200916
Mobile:  972 - 53- 411723
Fax    :  972-3-9225253

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