[JDEV] Re: HELP!!! Jabber Logout kill server!

Leon Kwan leon at icon.com.hk
Tue Dec 5 21:54:12 CST 2000

Hello any genius again,

does anyone tell me that what is the proper procedure to logout from server
if I have registered an ICQ account to the jabber server? What I mean is
what XML send to the server in order to logout from server?

Moreover, is there any method to detect what xml file the server receive? I
am using jabber 1.0.


Leon Kwan wrote:

> Hello any genius,
> I am using jabberbeans to develop an jabber client.
> I am facing the problem of logging out.
> originally, there is no problem while logout.
> My logout code is:
> connection.delPacketListener(myPacketListener);
> connection.delPacketListener(myMessagePacketListener);
> connection.delPacketListener(myIQPacketListener);
> connection.delConnectionListener(myConnectionListener);
> connection.disconnect();
> But after I installed icqtransport, I add the following codes before my
> original logout code if I found that the user has registered icq to the
> jabber server.
> PresenceBuilder pb=new PresenceBuilder();
> pb.setStatus(null);
> pb.setStateShow(null);
> pb.setToAddress(null);
> pb.setType("unavailable");
> pb.setFromAddress(new JID ("leon", "redhat", "JabberApplet"));
> connection.send(pb.build());
> but then when I run logout, no matter I have registered the ICQ or not,
> the server will die at the same time with the error code in server side:
> Mon Dec  4 19:21:40 2000  warn/etherx error 'Interrupted system call'
> reading from socket ''
> anyone have any hints??
> I tried to use winjab, it works fine without killing error, so I think
> icqtransport and jserver should be ok.
> so any developer have used jabberbeans to develop face the same problem?
> -Leon

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