[JDEV] Building Jabber 1.2

Chad W. Skinner chadws at networksplus.net
Tue Dec 5 21:37:14 CST 2000

Over the weekend I made a couple of SPEC files for jabber 1.0 and was
working on some for 1.2 when I noticed the config script for jabber 1.2 does
not allow you to specify where the files will be placed. I am wanting to
build an RPM file to install the files in the following locations. Does
anyone know if this is possible or how I would do it?

  |-- etc
  |   `-- jabber
  |       `-- jabber.xml
  |-- usr
  |   |-- bin
  |   |   `--jabberd
  |   |-- lib
  |   |   |-- dnsrv.so
  |   |   |-- jsm.so
  |   |   |-- pthsock_client.so
  |   |   |-- pthsock_server.so
  |   |   `-- xdb_file.so
  |   `-- share
  |       `-- doc
  |           |-- README
  |           `-- UPGRADE
  `-- var
      |-- log
      `-- spool
          `-- jabber

I am not a programmer and don't understand the configuration script or make
files at all. Does anyone know if the next release will have a more standard
configuration file with it?

Thanks for any help you can give.


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