[JDEV] 0.9 documentation

Ryan Eatmon reatmon at ti.com
Mon Apr 17 13:56:17 CDT 2000

I'm trying to connect to the server with an ID that is not registered...
Only the error that the server returned has changed and is not

In 0.8.*, it would return something like:

<iq type='error' id='0'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'>
  <error type='denied'>Unknown User</error>

Now it returns:

<iq type='error' id='0'>
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'>
  <error code='401'>Unauthorized</error>

Are there any other fun little things that have not been documented?


Ryan Eatmon                reatmon at ti.com
Mixed Signal Product Development EDA Team

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