[JDEV] just a short intro

Thomas Charron tcharron at ductape.net
Tue Oct 26 09:22:43 CDT 1999

Quoting Eric Murphy <emurphy79 at home.com>:
> Hey all,
> I thought I would send a message to this list to introduce myself. My name
> is Eric Murphy, and I will be working with Jeremie on the Mozilla client.

  Nice..  I was hoping that the Mozilla code would not go to the side, as it 
generated so much publicity, it would be a shame to have Jabber appear to be 
vaporware.  Jer's just so busy..  

> I actually live about an hour away from Jeremie here in Iowa, and after
> meeting him on Saturday, I am quite hepped up on creating this client.

  An hours drive in Iowa..  So you'd be his next door neibor?  ;-P

> Hopefully we will have something put together here in a few weeks that is
> operational, and go from there.

  I'm curiouse about something here.  Mozilla itself is being based on Gtk.  
Does the XUL code allow native use of GTK elements?

Thomas Charron
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