[JDEV] Timezone (summary)
Scott Robinson
quad at jabber.org
Mon Oct 11 10:41:41 CDT 1999
Interleaved response.
* Isotope2k at aol.com translated into ASCII [Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 11:26:27AM -0400][<0.ced12ad4.25335ba3 at aol.com>]
> 1) Timezone information could be used by the client to give the receiver
> the ability to know what time the sender sent the message.
> 2) Timezone information could be used by server the asses efficiency in
> messaging routing.
> 3) Timezone information could be used by the client to sort messages
> according
> to some sender-time based scheme.
> Are the benefits described above already available to us through alternate
> means?
> 1) Assuming the "instantaneous" delivery of Jabber messages (IM afterall) and
> assuming that our choice of timestamp format allows for such calculations (as
> all three proposals do) timezone information can be extracted from timestamp
> by comparing local time to the timestamp and deriving the +/- GMT shifts.
> Admittedly, this is a bit kludgy. However, many of the problems associated
> with
> this message (such as fast/slow local/remote clocks, lack of local timezone
> info)
> are present with the alternative of including timezone information.
> Futhermore,
> this method requires more work to be done by the client.
We're not assuming instantaneous delivery. Just fast.
I would also like to point ou the example of an "archived" message.
> 2) TCP/IP and "normal" timestamping both allow for efficiency assessment.
We cannot assume TCP/IP and "normal" timestamping. Jabbertransport uses
TCP/IP and that's the extent of the reliablity issue we can go. etherx uses
TCP/IP, true, but udpx or 6782x might not.
What is "normal" timestamping, also? There is no timestamp on a normal
message at this point.
> 3) Generally, the human user's client (to whom this kind of time relativity
> is probably
> exclusive of interest to), will organize senders in a "buddy list" of sorts,
> and as such
> this kind of sorting would be done on a per-sender basis, and thus timezone
> info would
> be of little use- UNLESS the sender is traversing timezones between messages.
Happens to me. Happened to jer. It happens all the time.
> I think it would be useful if we constructed this discussion in a more
> high-level
> manner (such as this). Let's decide if, and how, the timezone information
> would be
> useful, and then ensure that the uses aren't already covered, and THEN drill
> down to
> possible implementations.
Already have. You're just reiterating.
> Conclusion:
> Inclusion of timezone information is of primary (exclusive?) use to human
> clients
> in order to determine the relative local time of the sender. As such, this
> information
> should be optional (I believe that is the general concensus). There are
> alternative(s)
> to determining this data that do not require the addition of timezone
> information, thus
> I feel that it is not necessary to add this to the project. If a client
> wishes to make
> this information available to the user, it is not necessary for Jabber to
> supply it.
We are not forcing Jabber to supply it. The current message-level routing
proposal is easily maskable (since it's XML) and doesn't have a requirement
of implementation.
> I eagerly await futher discussion.
> Christopher Atkins
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