[JDEV] Writings from the Journal of TCharron

Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Sat Jul 31 14:05:12 CDT 1999

  See previouse message..  You are correct, as would a perl, java, awk, (please continue to insert ANY scripting language that allows you to open a file).  But this is the masses client.  Heck, the script based clients will implement the neato-new features faster, simply becouse of the development technique used..  (Aka..  'Good Idea', 5 minutes later 'Like this?') ;-P
Thomas Charron

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 15:54:15   Lindsay.Marshall wrote:
>> -- The Win32 project --
>Why is there a need for a special win32 client? A properly written
>tcl/tk client will run under Unix, MacOS and Win32 without any
>change! (And yes, I can back this statement up)
>(Not that I would want to muddy the waters with such nasty arguments as
>favourite program language. Heaven forfend!)
>>   I believe it was Lindsay Marshall who pointed out the following:
>No, it was Jeremie.
>I shall be unwired and silent for the next two weeks in a tent on a
>hill somewhere in England

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