[JDEV] date format

Jerrad Pierce belg4mit at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 29 14:12:44 CDT 1999

In reply to your message from the not too distant future: next Thursday AD
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Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 15:12:42 EDT
From: belg4mit

it's not as though it's reinventing the wheel, those are fairly common
formats. they're even fairly similar to the holy RFC822
(except for time and date's granularity being oriented the same, which makes
more sense).

They have the advantage of cutting down on wasted bytes.
Language day and month names don't need to be provided, they can
be calculated on the client side (if the client cares, many probably won't eg;
bots). Similarly for zone-info.


PS> Besides, RFC822 uses yy, big no-no. I suggested extensible yyyy
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