[JDEV] Re: Just a thought...

Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Tue Jul 27 14:51:16 CDT 1999

  My first question would be..  Why?  The etherx routers talk to each other, why have a go-between server adding another level to it?

Thomas Charron

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:12:06   Andrew Ward wrote:
>Just something that occerred to me...  what would be the major problems with 
>having master servers that connect every server to every other server?  
>Maybe by just being a bridge between the servers, and nothing else (client a 
>on server x wants to talk to client b on server y...  server x sends a 
>request to master server, which responds with info on server y.  server x 
>then sends the msg to server y).  The master servers would also handle 
>search requests (forward the request to all servers, then forward the 
>results to the search originator).
>This's just something I brainstormed on for about 5 minutes, so it'll need a 
>*lot* of work, but I would like to know if it could be done.
>-- andyw
>p.s. sorry if this has already been looked at/discussed.
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