[JDEV] Win32 Native etherx and jabbertransport..

Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Fri Jul 23 11:47:48 CDT 1999

  If anyone would like Win32 native compiles of etherx and jabbertransport, please let me know..  They are roughly 2 megs total, and work.  I'm still working on why the jabber client doesn;t quite run cleanly, and will let you know when I've completed that end.

  If all goes well, I will also attempt to compile cabbar with the Win32 GTK package, and that can be tested all to heck.  This will mean that, minus kabber, ALL of the clients should be available for Win32.

  Don't worry, I'm not forgetting about the native Win32 client, I'm just trying to get stuff out so people can start breaking what we already have.. ;-P
Thomas Charron

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