[JDEV] artwork/UI

Corbett J. Klempay corbett.klempay at trilogy.com
Tue Jul 20 05:23:23 CDT 1999

> How would you feel about using a standard set of icons
> for things like users, groups, IMs across all graphical clients?  I'm
> not suggesting they be required, but it
> would a) make implementing a new client easier and b)
> give Jabber a stronger identity for the non-programmer users.  I know
> it's a client UI implementation issue and therefore out of the scope of
> the Jabber specs but
> like I said, it would just be a set of icons that implementors are free
> to use if they so desire.

This is a very important suggestion that you're making.  I know (from your
comments below) that you're worried of sounding like a marketing guy, but
branding is really a legitmate concern.  If we want Jabber to become widely
adopted, it must be pretty (I know that functionality and quality are the
most important things, but as evil as it sounds, a slick interface is
HUGE...the droves of AOL-using moms aren't going to care that it is a
technically superior engine).  In the same way that anyone seeing the little
flower knows it's ICQ, we must have the same thing going for us...

> I don't know if AIM/YAHOO/ICQ would get their undergarments in a knot
> about Jabber clients ripping
> icons from their clients, but I personally don't think
> those UIs are worth ripping off.  The Jabber team could come up with
> better ones.

I don't know either...I would avoid risking it.  I think the only graphical
reference we have to them is maybe an icon (or set) to indicate
communication with an AIM/YAHOO/ICQ client.

> Another related issue is a logo.  Gnome = foot, Linux = penguin, BSD =
> devil, Apache = feather - It's not just an issue for commercial
> products to address.  What would a "Jabber Now" link button look like?
> ICQ's has that flower on it.  I think the other buddy lists have them
> too.

Yes, definitely...I'm trying to think though...what comes to mind when you
think of the word 'Jabber' (I think of a mouth kind of like the Rolling
Stones logo :)...but it needs to simultaneously be slick, non-tacky, and
classic looking all at once.  Any artists in the group?

Corbett J. Klempay

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