Jerrad Pierce belg4mit at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 15 15:13:50 CDT 1999

so which provide an acceptable level of security? etc.

a process authenticates itself to the jabber server
and then creates a named pipe somewhere in the user's home space (~/.jabber/)
(~/.jabber is mode 700 and the pipe 400)

the message sender talks to the authenticated process through the named pipe
the authenticated process only sends the process if the uid of the sender
matches the uid of the user that spawned the authenticated process...

the authentication process gets run in the background, on recepit of SIG
it forks a child, the child receives input and returns it and exits...
(since the parent is in the bg, the child will be too)

advantage: the code only get's compiled the initial time it is run...
problem: currently to send a message you'd have to:

killall -SIG (authenticated process) [we have a shell script or alias do this]
fg (unless someone knows a way to do this programatically, for the child only)
provide the data for the message
terminate the message
^Z (because the parent comes into the foreground along with the client
when you fg)

when what we want is:
killall -SIG (authenticated process) [we have a shell script or alias do this]
provide the data for the message
terminate the message

we become the shell, pass along all unrecognized commands to a system() or ``
not exactly elegant...

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