[JDEV] RE: Greetings, and questions..

Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Mon Jul 12 19:44:10 CDT 1999

  Thanks for the infor..

  I'm CCing this to Jabber Dev to see if anyone else may have heard from him..  I honestly haven't heard anything out of the JabberBeans for a LONG while..

Thomas Charron

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 19:11:16   Patrick McCuller wrote:
>	Don't expect much of any practical use soon. I've been following this group
>for well over a year, since they were the rvp people, and they're very slow
>about things like implementation.
>	Of course, they're fun to watch, and a lot of very bright people are
>involved, with lots to say, and from many different sources - Sun, Lotus,
>Microsoft, IBM, and a wide variety of vendors, students, and developers. But
>they're a standards body, not a developer's organization. Expect things to
>take a whole lot longer than you expect them to.  :)
>	In any event, welcome!
>	BTW, I'm trying to get ahold of Michael T. Nygard re: JabberBean. I've
>written him @charter.net but no luck so far; any ideas?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-impp at iastate.edu [mailto:owner-impp at iastate.edu]On Behalf Of
>> Thomas D. Charron
>> Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 2:53 PM
>> To: impp at iastate.edu
>> Subject: Greetings, and questions..
>>   Hello..
>>     I have joined this mailing list to try to find out exactly
>> what the IMPP commitee is developing.  It seems to me from the
>> current RFC proposals that they are simply defining the standard
>> terms and requirments of an IM system, but not an actually open
>> protocol, etc..
>>     I am interested in this, as I am a developer for a project
>> named 'Jabber'.  Our open Source, XML based IM system is quickly
>> reaching an actually usable state, and figured it would be a good
>> time to find out exactly what is going on with the IMPP commitee.
>>  If you are interested in the design, etc of jabber, please feel
>> free to take a look at http://www.jabber.org.  While our protocol
>> is 'pretty much' down, it's still under development, it is a
>> workable design, utilizing a system independent arcitechture,
>> that allows for infinite expansion or custom protocols and
>> 'bridges' between other IM services.  Examples would be ICQ, AOL, and IRC.
>>     Hopfully, with all of us working together, we can achive the
>> ability for IM users to communicate in a platform/language
>> independent method, without the chains of a brand name..
>> ---
>> Thomas Charron
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