[JDEV] Silly Question?

Jeremie jeremie at jabber.org
Mon Jul 12 12:56:10 CDT 1999

> Silly quesiton, but why does etherx encapsulate the config data within a
> config tag, AND a CDATA? 
> <config>
> <![CDATA[<config>Config Data and Tags</config>]]>
> </config>
> Is this a long term implementation that we're going to use?  I'm not
> sure I actually understand why we'd want etherx to present ALL data this
> way.. 

Because it protects the configuration environment's "namespace" so that it
doesn't conflict with etherx's protocol.  Also, the configuration data
might not be valid XML or XML at all(although then it would have to be
loaded via some other means, which might be possible some day), and the
transport asking for it might still want it that way :)  It's really just
a layer of protection around foreign data. 


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