[JDEV] weird new authentication/roster idea

Allen Short washort at ghostwheel.dhis.org
Wed Jul 7 17:05:50 CDT 1999

as I look at the state of the authentication and roster pieces of Jabber, 
i notice that mod_mysql is in the pipeline. May I suggest a different way
to do this stuff? Why not... LDAP? It is especially good for applications
like this, it appears. It is explicitly designed to handle authentication
and could certainly support rosters and other metadata, and hold pointers
to stored messages. I haven't researched this fully, but it may also help
with converting SMTP messages to Jabber messages. I might be way off base
here, but a full-blown SQL database seems a bit heavy to me. :) A problem
may be that the only free LDAP implementation I know of is not GPLed, but
Artistic (see http://www.openldap.org) but I think other GPL projects are
using it. (since the lib is only linked to in the client, it may not be a
problem) Anyway, it sure sounds cool :) Anyone have ideas on this system?


hey, wow! Bricktext!

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