[[JDEV] Thoughts on user at server.com name addressing]

Jeremie Miller jeremie at netins.net
Wed Jan 6 16:04:18 CST 1999

> Another measure that would solve the problem of users changing
> ISPs would be to give them the ability to leave a forwarding address.
> Rather than just saying "no such user," the Jabber server could say
> "moved to user at new-host."  Of course, this would require changes to
> the protocol.

Actually, the protocol has extension mechanisms built into it already to
handle exactly this type of situation, it's just that the client would
have to be aware of it... so maybe not a physical change to the protocol,
but an addition to the "things a good client should do".

All messages and status updates can have an <ext></ext> packet that can
contain anything and the server just forwards it on.  The server
does(currently) generate a few of it's own messages that would go on the
"client-to-handle" list, such as <ext>error</ext> and <ext>invite</ext>,
and both of these have content in the message itself also, so that clients
that don't specifically handle it in a special way, still pass it to the
user to deal with.

Overall though, it wouldn't take that much to write a simple transport
that can serve as a central name-resolver and be installed on any
permanent server where vanity addresses might be nice, and it wouldn't
require any changes in anything since that simple transport can just
forward messages to the right/current location.


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