[JDEV] Info/Query && filter proposals..

Thomas D. Charron tcharron at my-deja.com
Tue Aug 17 11:35:10 CDT 1999

  I just really, REALLY sat down and looked at the
above proposals, and I'd like to add a suggestion..

  Combine the two..

  Make the filter data PART of the private info..

  This way, proxy transports such as logging in to
your jabbertransport ID via IRC, would be able to
retrieve your data easily, along with making it
REALLY easy for other things to SET your filters.

  This would also allow for public inheritable
filters across entire systems, such as querying
for the filter info from a <Target>SERVER</Target>.

  Oh, and Anders Qvist, when saying this:

<filter messagesize="1000k"></filter>

  you can more easily, and breif:

<filter messagesize="1000k"/>


Thomas Charron

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