[JDEV] A piece of MIME? (possible alternate solution)

Scott Robinson scott at tranzoa.com
Wed Aug 11 00:35:56 CDT 1999

It was also pointed out on the channel that mod_filters would be able to
work well with this concept.

I'm liking it, though I would like to also have "encoding" and "length"
along with "type" in there.


* Jeremie translated into ASCII [Wed, Aug 11, 1999 at 12:19:55AM -0500][<Pine.LNX.4.10.9908102353520.23715-100000 at lor.jeremie.com>]
> > Hmm, I like the way this solution is flows better than mine. I'd ask the
> > question of how we will make sure plain-text clients won't parse <mime> as
> > text, or are we de-facto'ing they won't?
> Any normal XML parser would seperate the <mime></mime> content as another
> node, so it should be easy for clients to de-facto ignore it and display
> only the cdata within the <say></say> tags.  If they do happen to display
> the additional content, the plain text should be first and the rest would
> just appear as garbage.
> > I would also suggest the type "message/jabber" for forwarding a jabber
> > message verbatim.
> That should work slick, and of course, all the special characters would be
> escaped.  The forwarded message would look like a pile of garbage in the
> raw protocol, but they would be perfectly parseable and fine to an XML
> processor :)
> Hmm... I like this, it can work well in with the file transfer proposal
> also, where you could have a 
>   <mime type="application/url">http://host/file</mime>
> embeded in a message.  You could embed all sorts of things into messages,
> other messages, URLs, HTML pages, etc... 
> Actually, I can see lots of valor in this approach... it fits in very
> nicely with the rest of Jabber and adds a good deal of additional
> flexibility and functionality without forcing restrictions.  Cool!  We'll
> have to play with it in the real world and make sure not to abuse it
> though...
> Jer
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