[JDEV] EVERYTHING (re: mime/file-xfer/ctcp/etc)

Scott Robinson scott at tranzoa.com
Tue Aug 10 12:28:41 CDT 1999

VERY OFTEN in the environment it was designed for. Just because a feature is
not being used in the generl chatrooms or within #linux doesn't mean it
isn't being used.


* Thomas D. Charron translated into ASCII [Tue, Aug 10, 1999 at 06:56:58AM -0700][<GPFBFIHONMGJAAAA at my-deja.com>]
> On Mon, 9 Aug 1999 20:38:05    Scott Robinson wrote:
> >Beyond those two, no flipping idea! However, I've heard people say those
> >words many times and show how short-sighted they can be. I'm not suggesting
> >for a client-to-client protocol to be created, but a negotiation system
> >within Jabber to included within the Jabber protocol. This not only allows
> >CTCP but also presense announcement which I also believe is nessicary.
>   I think this is the case of the idea that really isn't needed..  Look at IRC CTCP..  HOW often do you see it used?
> ---
> Thomas Charron
> --== Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/ ==--
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