[JDEV] UI opinions..

Scott Robinson scott at tranzoa.com
Sun Aug 8 12:23:02 CDT 1999

Interleaved "me too".


* Vivre Draco translated into ASCII [Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 12:11:23PM -0500][<VPOP31.3.0b.19990808121124. at oakwind>]
> On 6 Aug 99,, Vivre Draco sounded off on Re: [JDEV] UI opinions..:
> > Also, you might set it to show any new user who comes on-line in
> > this miniwindow for a few seconds or something. 
>    I'd like to expand on this idea and suggest that it might be a 
> useful feature even when you have your client totally minimized. 
> Maybe you could set something up so that whenever a new user comes on-
> line, a tooltip appears nears the systray icon displaying the new 
> user's name for a few seconds. While not very eye-catching, this 
> would be useful if accompanied by a sound.

Industry experts say a small tooltip is the way we want to go. MSN
Messenger anyone?

>    Speaking of sounds, along a similar but probably more complex 
> vain, I would love text->speech support. This has two main uses: 
> First, rather than playing some little wav that tells you "someone" 
> came on-line then having to open your client to see who (or flick 
> your eyes down to the tooltip...), it could say "joe is on-line." 
> Second, when you walk away from the computer to fix yourself a snack, 
> you could turn on "vocalize incoming messages" and hear whatever 
> comes in, and decide whether it's something worth going over to your 
> computer to reply to before you finish your snack or not.

Quite cool! While I'd hate to implement this as a base feature in the
client, it would be perfect as a module.

However, I feel it is my place to say that I'm quite the net pimp. "Vocalize
incoming messages" would probably get me a large amount of trouble.

>    I'd also like to take this opportunity to repeat my suggestion 
> that you make any toolbars completely customizeable. That way, if you 
> often use the feature mentioned above, you can have a button right on 
> your toolbar to toggle it... And if you never use it, it doesn't have 
> to waste your screen space.


> --
> There's only one phrase of Klingonese that you really need to know: 
> nuqDach yuch Dapol? (Where do you keep the chocolate?) 
> Copyright 1999 Vivre Draco (cfc at paganpaths.org)
> excelsior ad infinitum -- http://www.paganpaths.org/~cfc/
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