[JDEV] Contact Methods

Thomas Charron tcharron at nermail.ups.com
Fri Apr 30 15:14:28 CDT 1999

> From: owner-jdev at jabber.org On Behalf Of Jeremie
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Contact Methods
> If he was using a windows Jabber client, logged into a Jabber enabled unix
> host, and had a Jabber<->Pager gateway set up, the roster might look like:

	Is this supposed to be a hint to checkin the Windows client exe to cvs?

>     +---------------------------------------+
>     | Contact List                          |
>     |  + Joe Doe (Joe Doe at jabberhost.com)   |
>     |  - John Doe (John Doe at jabberhost.com) |
>     |     |- WinJab (busy)                  |
>     |     |- Unix Server (idle)             |
>     |     `- Pager                          |
>     |  + Jane Doe (Jane Doe at jabberhost.com) |
>     +---------------------------------------+
> So, the tree under a user in a roster is based on their sessions.  Any
> "transports" that user is making use of is that users business, nothing we
> will care about.

	It does, but I think we're talking about taking your idea one step further.
Aka, Using Jabber to maintain contact with anyone in any way that transports
will allow.  Aka:

     | Contact List                          |
     |  + Joe Doe (Joe Doe at jabberhost.com)   |
     |  - John Doe (John Doe at jabberhost.com) |
     |     |- WinJab (busy)                  |
     |     |- Unix Server (idle)             |
     |     `- Pager                          |
     |  + Jane Doe (Jane Doe at jabberhost.com) |
     |  - Joe Blow (IWuvJer at aol.com)         |
     |     `- 167289 at pagers.jabberhost.com   |
     |  - Ant C. Eater (234567 at pagers.jabber>|

	In this diagram, I have the 'Primary address' next to their names,and
alternate addy's under..  Notice Joe Blow.  I know I can contact him via
AOL,or his pager.  In this case, I DO care HOW ELSE I can reach him.  I may
not care about what transports Joe Doe uses, but if he tells me he can also
be XSexyHoeX at icq.wuvviedovie.com, I want to be able to add that as an
'alternate' address, and not have it as another primary address.  This
appears to be what your saying, but the initial question (At least it's what
I want to know) is how will the status messages to SHOW this roster look?
My idea was like this:

    <group name="main">jenny<ext><Alternate
number=1/>545212 at ICQ</ext></group>
    <group name="friends">user at jabber.server.com</group>
    <group name="system">olduser</group>

	or this:

    <group name="main">jenny</group>
    <group name="main">545212 at ICQ<ext><Alternate
    <group name="friends">user at jabber.server.com</group>
    <group name="system">olduser</group>

	This would use the ext fields to add the alternate adresses, and 'relate'
them to each other.  One way would make it so dumb clients would only see
the primary, and the other, dumb clients would see 'em all..

	Actually, while we're on the topic, is there a way in the status messages
to give 'em a person use name.  Aka, perhaps I want my brother in law,
XNateReadX at aol.com simply as 'Nate' in my contact list.  How is that done
via the current status system?  Kind of like above, how is 'Joe Doe' passed
as a name?(As you can tell, the status box in the current Win32 client
bites..  Working on it this weekend..)

> Does this make sense?  I know it can all be very confusing, but once we
> get it working it will be easier to understand :)
> Feel free to discuss further and keep asking questions, its a good way to
> get some of this stuff documented and help everyone understand.
> Jer

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