[JDEV] Client Lib & Associated Thoughts (And Many Capital Lette rs)

dsmith at ai.uwf.edu dsmith at ai.uwf.edu
Tue Apr 27 22:57:47 CDT 1999

> En-route, shipping overnight via CVS :)

Oh boy! :)

> And here's the reasons I haven't started it yet: complexity... The DOM is
> overly-complex so that it can handle ANY XML data for ANY purpose.  Here
> within Jabber we only have one set of data and one purpose, so there is a
> large amount of overhead and extra work in the DOM that is not needed.

Agreed. At this stage of the game, let's just get something working. :)
'Nuff said.

So, as soon as you (all) get the comments in, I'll start documenting.
I've already done some more perusal of the lib/ (which is where I'll
start my efforts) and things are starting to fall into place. Just out
of curiosity though, what does jpair and xpt stand for?

As for the DOM, I'm going to take a few evenings this next week and see
if I can't hack out simple C implementation of the Core. It'll be
scheduled as a low priority thread, to be sure, but I got a feeling
that we're really going to need something at the client-lib level..even
if it's a DOM wrapper to the jpair/xpt stuff...

Someday I want to write that ICQ transport..and a QT
client...and...anyway.. :)


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