[JDEV] Client Lib & Associated Thoughts (And Many Capital Letters)

Thomas Charron tcharron at nermail.ups.com
Tue Apr 27 10:26:48 CDT 1999

> From: owner-jdev at jabber.org On Behalf Of Jeremie
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Client Lib & Associated Thoughts (And Many Capital
> Letters)
> Firstly, that's an excellent description of the terminology, wanna help
> write developer docs?  *grin*

	I second that motion..  All opposed, please raise your hands..  (Tom dawns
a black trench, and a giant super-soaker)

> Now, xpt isn't the most wonderful thing in the world(although it works
> quite well for most simple things), so how do we improve it?  Well, thanks
> to the fact that we're not the only ones trying to solve this very
> problem, the W3C has blessed the DOM as the "standard" way to express
> parsed XML via an API.  I'd love to start working on a simple C based DOM
> and will do so if the need presents itself, but I'm hoping that someone
> else out there on the net will beat me to it :)

	You are evil..  You now much die..  (Jer finds himself suddenly SOAKING

	What they're not telling you is DOM actually standard for the 'Demonic
Object Model'.  ;-P

> I haven't done any c++, but everything I know about it makes me want to :)
> I'm a very object-based thinker, so everything I've been doing in C is
> just about object oriented as C gets.

	Actually, you've been using a basterdized idea of what C++ should do in C..
;-P  Basically, functions that do things to structs, which is nearly the
same as having the structs be objects containing the functions you wantto
call on them..  ;-P\

> The problem is that I really believe that the core code(server and libs)
> should be entirely pure cross platform C.  I've seen all kinds of
> arguments back and forth on this very subject(especially on the Apache
> list, whew :), but in the end it still seems that to provide the most
> options to developers and most XP compatability, servers and libs should
> stick with C.

	Agreed.  We can always encapsulate the C to make it work in an object
oriented language.  Look at the Gtk toolkit.  It's all in C, but you can use
it fromevery language under the sun..

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