[JDEV] awesome

Corbett J. Klempay cklempay at acm.jhu.edu
Mon Apr 26 01:15:20 CDT 1999

Hey, I was hacking on the mod_digsig stuff for most of today...damn
annoying.  I was spending most of my time trying to come up with
implementations of required infrastructure (a good suitable PRNG, good
prime number generation, etc etc).

I was using Google to look for some good C code for a PRNG to use, and
ended up hitting paydirt, it seems...check out cryptlib:


Basically, this library is all C, and is free for noncommerical use (I
think it said you need a license if you are using it for large scale
commerical work).  It *already has support for using major RDBMS's for key
management*!  (among many many other things)  Postgres and MySQL are among
the several supported databases (Oracle, MS SQL are both there too)  Heck,
it even supports using LDAP to do key lookups!  And it's fast!

When I get done with class tomorrow I'm going to read the 200+ page PDF
manual that I'm printing out for it right now...and see about adding this
stuff in.  (one thing I need to figure out how to do is make sure I don't
have to link in code for the zillions of algos I won't be using)


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